4-seater advanced training aircraft and air taxi

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eFlyer 4 is a changer that will change the way pilots are trained in basic education. Electric propulsion engine eFlyer Compared with expensive jet fuel, low-cost and high-efficiency training is possible.

The eFlyer 4 has been redesigned with an electric propulsion engine design.

The aerodynamic efficiency is more than double that of conventional aircraft of a similar size, and the low cooling drag and high motor efficiency make the entire propulsion system more efficient.

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Spec Overview


Best target price 2021


Cabin Width

48 inches

Wingspan, Wing Area

38 feet, 172 ft2

Glide Ratio


Crew (or Payload)
860 lbs

Safran Electric Motors

200 kW (268 HP)

Rate of Climb

1,000+ fpm

Normal Speeds
61 – 200 knots
Economy Cruise
110 knots (@ 67 kW)
320 nm (single pilot) 260 nm (@GW)
Certified Op Altitude
17,500 feet
Flight Endurance; Note 2, 3
3 hours

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